To begin the Submission process:
Step 1: Read all the instructions first
Step 2: Obtain a share link (see above).
Step 3: Press the SUBMIT button below to begin.
Step 4: You will be asked to login to your email if you are not already logged in.
Step 5: Complete the form.
Step 6: Paste the share link you received.
Step 7: Submit the form to complete.
Thank you for participating!
To begin the Voting process:
Step 1: Read all the instructions first
Step 2: Press the vote button below.
Step 3: You will be asked to login to your email if you are not already logged in.
Step 4: Browse through the different logos that will be presented to you.
Step 5: Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the selection question..
Step 6: Select the option that corresponds with the logo of your preference.
Thank you for participating!