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Day Visit



The Monastery of St Mina and Pope Kyrillos is pleased to announce that we can now receive a limited number of visiting families and individuals for a Day Visit during weekends


  يسر اداراة دير مارمينا والبابا كيرلس ان تعلن عن بدأ استقبال أعداد محدودة من العائلات والأفراد أيام السبت والأحد من كل أسبوع

برجاء قراءة الارشادات والتوجيهات قبل القيام بالحجز

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We are pleased to announce that the Monastery of St Mina and Pope Kyrillos is now open to receive a limited number of visitors on Saturdays and Sundays.

Monastery Monk: Fr  Samaan Avamina.


Please note that you must book your visit online ahead of time.


  • Due to the ongoing construction, space is limited to 5 cars per day for visitors. Once we reach the booking limit of 5 cars per day, you will be directed to select another day.

  • Please make sure to include your telephone number and email in your booking in case we need to contact you for any changes or cancellations.


Information for visitors

  • Due to the ongoing construction, please bring your own food with you, kindly note that the eating area is self-serve and self-clean.

  • Donations and support are appreciated.

  • Please check with Fr Samaan in advance for Monastery needs.

To book a Day Visit Click to check availability

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